报告人:Prof. Lai Mingjun
Mingjun is a professor at Department of mathematics,
University of Georgia(USA). He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M
University (USA) in 1989. His research interests are mainly on Approximation
Theory, Compressed Sensing, Computational Optimization, Computer Aided
Geometric Design, Mathematical Image Analysis, Multivariate Splines, Numerical
Analysis, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Wavelet and
Frame Analysis. He has authored more than 120 scientific research articles in
indexed journals, refereed conferences and books. He currently serves as an
associate editorfor Journal of Applied
and Computational Harmonic Analysis.
Title:Rank-One Matrix
Pursuit for Matrix Completion and Its Extension(关于矩阵填充的秩为1的矩阵追踪算法及其扩展)
Abstract:Matrix completion has been studied for about 10
years. I will explain several approaches to complete a matrix, in particular,
the rank-one matrix pursuit algorithm and its economic version in detail. The
algorithm is scaleable, of linear convergence, and has constant storage
Extensive numerical
experiments show that our algorithm has the same accurate as the best approach
while it is much efficient. Linear convergence will be explained in more
detail. Then we extend the algorithm to deal with tensor completion.